#1 Time Travel Romance On Sale!

Hi guys!
It’s been a busy, wild and wonderful week. Strangely, Incredibly Good hit #1 in Time Travel Romance on Kindle in Canada, and the United Kingdom! It made the top 50 in the USA – come on my friends in America, we’re nearly there!

My publisher has reduced the novel to just 0.99 on Kindle AND Kobo until Saturday Dec. 12th midnight. It will increase to 2.99 for the holidays, and then back to 5.99 in the new year. So if you’re curious and you haven’t downloaded it yet, please grab it while it’s cheap!

The sequel is just $2.99 so why not grab that at the same time? 🙂

Love & Gratitude,

SIG reviews 3



Top 10 Awkward Moments At My Bookstore Signing

Yesterday was a fantastic day, meeting & greeting loyal and new readers of Strangely, Incredibly Good & Remarkably Great.

However, if you think being an author is all glam and perks like sipping free lattes while you sign your books, I have proof of the exact opposite right here in my Top 10 Awkward Moments At My Bookstore Signing List:

10 Heard in one of the busiest bookstores in North America (Chapters Indigo Pointe Claire Quebec)
Me: Are you here for a particular book or could I interest you in mine?

Several customers: Nope. I’m not much of a reader.

9 There were gorgeous, soft, faux fur mittens being sold behind me. People were trying them on all day behind me, and even asking me what I thought. Authors, beware: you’ll spend three years sweating over creating your book series, and end up selling mittens at a high-traffic bookstore.

8 “OMG! It’s Heather Grace Stewart!” My friend screamed this every time she re-entered the store, which she did several times, and ran up to me, arms waving madly in the air. People stopped and stared. I do think it sold a few books, though.

7 My table was decorated in a read-your-book-in-the-bath theme. To the kid who ate my soap: You owe me $2.50.

6 To the guy who took my photo-business-card and then told his buddy, right in front of me, “I’m going to *use* this later tonight.” Ew. Just, ew. I told you to “Just go,” and pointed you to the door, but I wish I’d thrown hardcover books at you. Or my latte down your pants.

5 Facebook Mentions has an option to try Live Video. Facebook, you should call it Can’t Get A Complete Sentence Out Video Because The Connection Is Too Weak. Neat that 2,000 people liked me saying next to nothing while riding an escalator.

4 No, I don’t know where the washrooms are! Well, I do, but I’m sick of telling people because I DON’T WORK HERE!

3 Heard while a line-up formed late afternoon for me to sign box-sets:

Lady at back of line: Is she famous?

Other lady in line: She’s locally famous.

Me: Huh. So now I’m locally famous. Like cheese. Or a small deli. I’m right up there with cheese and smoked meat.

2 I sold out! I sold out! 33 books in three hours! I sold out!

Except, someone who assured me they wanted a signed box set left it unsigned, in Starbucks. Okay, I *almost* sold out.

1 Two female fans licked my face for a photo opp with me.

Yes. Licked. My. Face. Okay, they happen to be wonderful friends as well as fans, so maybe it wasn’t as creepy as it sounds.

Just plain weird.

If this is what being “locally famous” is going to bring, I’m not sure I’m up for it…but I do love cheese. Mmm, cheese.

Heather 🙂


LEAP on Kobo and Kindle; WHERE THE BUTTERFLIES GO on Sale!

Thanks for your wonderful support in buying LEAP on the Kobo! Sales were fantastic in its first week out on the Kobo, and I really appreciate those five-star ratings!

Check out Leap on the KOBO here

I’m thrilled to announce the long-awaited release of LEAP on the KINDLE. Thanks very much to my regular readers for giving me that little shove (“Heather! Do It! Now!” ) to get this book out there digitally. LEAP is now on iBOOKS in several countries, NOOK BOOKS, KOBO and KINDLE, SONY READER and soon beside its paperback version on THE COPIA

Where the Butterflies Go in paperback has benefited from some fantastic REVIEWS lately with the most recent at The River and I want to thank those reviewers for taking the time to write about the collection and share their thoughts on it with others. Where the Butterflies Go is now on sale at AMAZON in their 4-for-3 sale, and so thanks to the new reviews and this sale, lots of new readers are finding it. It’s so touching to me that people are grabbing this book off the shelves again four years since its release!

Graceful Publications last made a $100 donation to UNICEF GIFTS OF EDUCATION in the summer. If you keep supporting these two books as much as you have since Jan. 2012, I think I will be able to announce another donation long before summer 2012 arrives.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting, tweeting and LIKING–for sticking with me every step of the way!

Best wishes and Happy Valentine’s Week! Here’s a visual treat to thank you ~ sorry I cannot deliver these home made chocolate lollipops to each and every one of you readers, but perhaps I will make some for one of my readings in the near future, or for the Carry On Dancing launch party  🙂


With Love & Gratitude, Heather