Jennifer Bogart: Create a Community of Author Friends


Today I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to feature author Jennifer Bogart as my guest blogger. Jennifer became my friend while editing two of my novels. Besides being a fantastic storyteller and cheerleader for other authors, Jennifer is the mother of four boys. Before you leave this page, be sure to click on the Rafflecopter box at the bottom, That will take you to her blog, where you can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card! 


First, thanks to Heather for letting me use her virtual space to talk about Remember Newvember, writing, and finding inspiration. The world is a remarkably great place. Since starting the journey to publication, I’ve met some strangely, incredibly good writer friends, and Heather is at the top of the list. Without the constant support and encouragement, life wouldn’t be the same.

Inspiration for Newvember came from my everyday life. Stuck in routine, happy to exist within a clearly defined space, I struggled – and often still do – to break out of the comfort of familiarity. I discovered that writing is hard work… but not writing is even more difficult. Without the release writing provides, too many chaotic emotions well up and bubble over as suds of insanity. Writing keeps me focused, gives me peace, and provides balance. Most days, I exist somewhere between imagination and reality, since a large portion of my time is spent working on my own writing or editing for others. The hardest part of being a writer is letting others in, taking advice, and recognizing that the work begins after the story is complete.

Marketing, however, is a different beast entirely, and this is where the real work begins. Lately, I’ve tried to make marketing an extension of my creative process. Writing blogs and guest posts, creating worthwhile content and connecting with readers, writers, and other creatives are essential activities because in the end, we have to support each other to achieve success. We’re in this together, for better or worse, and I’m striving to make it for the better. Having author friends, both virtual and in person, transforms the solitary act of writing into one of solidarity. No one understands the depth and passion of the creative mind quite like another artist.

One of the themes that runs through Newvember is friendship – specifically, the different kinds of relationships we need. Not everyone can provide the write right kind of support and encouragement, so it’s important to connect with those who can. Thankfully, I’ve met authors like Heather, who are open, giving, and honest about what is truly involved in the writing process. Sharing resources makes the writing world a smaller, friendlier space.

This post was supposed to be about revisiting Newvember, but it turned into something better… it’s about revisiting friendship – especially the ones that you need most to hold onto your sanity, create a sense of community, and provide inspiration to keep pushing forward in a world that doesn’t always understand what an artist needs.

Jennifer Bogart’s three women’s fiction novels are Remember Newvember, Reflections and Money, Masks & Madness. She has also written two romantic short stories (Under the Stars and Seven Seconds), one serialized novel (Sunny with a Twist of Olive), and one YA fantasy (Liminal Lights published by Morning Rain Publishing).

Visit Jennifer’s  blog




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She’s someone you want in your author community!


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