Strangely, Incredibly Good Book Tour!

I’m excited to announce my first book tour for Strangely, Incredibly Good, the ‘funny and touching’ Canadian novel, but first, a little bit of business to attend to: Recently, I’ve received a few reader questions about where to get print copies of Strangely, Incredibly Good. No, it is not yet available on Amazon in print format. So, here’s where you can find it:

Vancouver & Maple Ridge Readers: There are now more copies of Strangely, Incredibly Good on the shelves at Maple Ridge Black Bond Books – Haney Place Mall.

Kingston readers can grab a copy Friday, March 6th, 7-930 p.m. at Novel Idea on Princess St., when I’ll be reading and signing copies. There will be a copy or two on the shelves after the reading.

Ottawa-Kanata area readers: I’ll be at Chapters Kanata Centrum Sunday, March 8, from noon-4 p.m. I am very much looking forward to my homecoming, and hope to see some old friends! Chapters Kanata will stock a few copies after the reading, in case you can’t make it that day.

As always, ebook and print copies can be ordered through the Morning Rain Publishing website, and they’ll ship it directly to you. If you’d like signed copies, you can contact me below, or at my email,

I’m thrilled and excited to announce that I’ll be doing a two-city book tour on the weekend of Friday, March 6 to Sunday March 8th, which will include speaking at the Ban Righ Centre at Queen’s University, speaking at the Queen’s Media and Journalism conference, signing books at Novel Idea, and signing books at Chapters Kanata. It’s going to be a busy but, let’s hope, incredibly good weekend in Kingston and Kanata, Ontario, and I hope that I’ll get the chance to meet and chat with many of you.

If you think you can make one of the events, please check the event schedule for more information here: Upcoming Events

I’d like to ask you all again to review Strangely, Incredibly Good if you have five minutes. There haven’t been that many funny Canadian novels by women recently, so I’d like to think that this one could have a chance at standing out, if only more people knew about it! So please do share about it, either via word of mouth, or a review, or both! I’d appreciate that more than you’ll ever know.

As always, thanks for reading, and for all the encouragement. You guys brighten these cold and snowy days!


Here's hoping I'll get to meet new readers and reunite with more dear, old friends on this tour, as I did in BC with Deanna! (who took this selfie !)
Here’s hoping I’ll get to meet new readers and reunite with more dear, old friends on this tour, as I did in BC with Deanna! (who took this selfie !)

2 Replies to “Strangely, Incredibly Good Book Tour!”

  1. Marvellous H, we are hearing of massive snows in North America, there have been full page articles in the Daily Mail about the snows – this is deeply ironic to me here in Bristol UK, where the presumably globally warmed early Spring type weather continues at this time. As I think u already know, u have won the highly prized variousartists Outstanding International Author 2014, an award which in terms of kudos if not financially will hopefully bring some comfort in Canada’s well-known winter season, as u wait for that wonderful thaw in April (?). As u know if I had a spare $2000 I would quite happily be at one of ur events, and I do still think, for all that I have defected to Amazon Kindle, that a High Street Bookstore presence is important for any author.


    1. Hi T! The storms seem to have missed Montreal, thankfully, this time. However, it’s really cold – it’s been -32 C with the wind chill. I’m Canadian and used to it and
      doing fine though; more reason to stay inside and write! I did not know about the Outstanding International Author Award! I must have missed an email somewhere in the snow banks 🙂 Thank you!
      I’m honored as I know your circles of talented writers extends far and away! Thanks again.


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