What Do YOU Think?

I believe Remarkably Great has a new cover: I’m in love!

How do my readers feel about this one compared to the red one with girl on motorbike?

You can preorder it now! Available August 1, 2015 Don't have a Kindle? Order it anyway to show support. then let me know here or at writer@hgrace.com and I'll send the epub for Kobo, iBooks etc.
You can pre-order it now!
Available August 1, 2015
Don’t have a Kindle? Order it anyway to show support. then let me know here or at writer@hgrace.com and I’ll send the epub for Kobo, iBooks etc.

Please vote in comments below.

Yup, Cat is not a blonde, but book covers and movies cast women differently than how they were described in the book all the time. I think the picture depicts Cat and Gene’s passion well….without his shirt cheesily ripped off like 98 percent of the romance novels out there!


🙂 Heather

10 Replies to “What Do YOU Think?”

  1. All I will say at this time is that an HGS cover certainly sells with poetry, and looks fantastic in the Kindle UK Top 20 Bestsellers with the likes of Coleridge, Hardy and Yeats 🙂


  2. Well I might put my 5 cents worth in again, but who am I to say compared to the excellent artist who does my own book covers ? 🙂


  3. This is a good cover, to be sure. I actually prefer the initial cover; I find it more distinctive and intriguing. It makes you wonder about the character and, because of that sense of mystery, draws you in. Whatever the cover, though, I’m sure the book will be a great success.


    1. Thanks Alan. I do find the motorcycle cover distinctive and intriguing…but this kind of romantic couple on the cover “sells” 😦 Since i’ve gone “Le artiste” way a number of years, I thought
      I’d try to do what sells…and hope it sells?!
      Nice to hear from you!


    1. Awesome! I love it too.
      I could do that – but Cat’s journey in this one is more of her accepting herself for who she is and how she looks…I am not sure it’s a character fit. I will think on it though.
      You have definitely given me oodles of great advice over the years! xx


What did you think? I'd love to hear from you!