Dear Loyal Blog Readers

I’ve neglected you bloggy friends.

I could use the excuse that 2020 has been hard, but it’s not just that. Juggling everything I have to juggle as a business owner and author has been hard. I started my fiction career off in WordPress, with you wonderful blogger pals reading and commenting on my poems. I had the time back then (a decade ago!) to visit all of you on a weekly basis, and I thought I’d keep posting here weekly and staying in touch.

With all that I’ve had to manage, I’ve not lived up to my own expectations for that, and I apologize – but I’m trying to pop in here when I do an online reading, at least, so that you don’t miss this if you aren’t a fan of social media.

If you DO like social media, I’m often on Instagram and Twitter once a day, and on my Owl Be Reading group (where you can win prizes!) weekly. So please check those out when you can!

Here’s my latest poetry reading. I was reading from Where the Butterflies Go, which was once the title of this blog, so I had to post it here! I also read from Three Spaces and Caged, and a little of my second novel, Remarkably Great. Enjoy. And be good to yourselves. I may get busy, but I never forget about you.

xo Heather

4 Replies to “Dear Loyal Blog Readers”

  1. I’ve enjoyed reading your writing. I discovered your writing on WordPress a decade ago, and it has been nice to keep up with you from time to time, and to see your career really take off. I am not (as a guy) much into reading romance, but I found “The Ticket” to be a real page-turner. And I will, a couple times a year or so, take a look at some of the YouTube videos that you frequently do. Keep up the good work!


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